Eye contact book pdf
Eye contact book pdf

eye contact book pdf

In fact, in many ways the post was better. Every interesting tidbit found in this book was something I read previously in that brief blog post I mentioned earlier. My initial worry was, would the subject of eye contact really have enough content to justify I book? The answer, at least for this author, is a resounding NO.

eye contact book pdf

That said, I gave up about 30 pages from the ending and skimmed. Even if it's dreadful, some punishing part of myself forces me to trudge onward and finish. I don't have a normal relationship with books, I tend to devour them whole.

eye contact book pdf

I have a really hard time NOT finishing a book. I realize that sounds harsh, but this book deserves the criticism. So I'm really quite annoyed that this book on Eye Contact stunk as much as it did. As I'm completely over-educated with an abundance of college credits but no degree, (I never picked a major because I had too many interests)the idea of such a book appealed to me. That book is about highly successful people unburdened by a college diploma. I realized Ellsberg also was the author of another recent book that I planned to read - The Education of Millionaires. The article was fascinating and made some good points. As I'm completely over-educated with an abundance of college credits but no degree, (I never picked a major be I decided to read this because I read an interesting article on Tim Ferriss' blog about eye contact that was guest written by this author. I decided to read this because I read an interesting article on Tim Ferriss' blog about eye contact that was guest written by this author. Author Michael Ellsberg provides an authoritative and extensive guide to mastering a potent force that can change your life.more The secret to success in business, love, and life is The Power of Eye Contact. Rom Brafman, co-author of Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior “Both mysterious and rewarding, the text reveals the powerful secrets of using the eyes to connect with others.” Marie Forleo, author Make Every Man Want You “ The Power of Eye Contact is a must-read book if you want a lasting relationship-or want to deepen the one you’re in.” Ivan Misner, author of Masters of Networking Ivan Misner, author of Masters of Networking “ The Power of Eye Contact is a must-read book if you want a lasting relationship-or want to deepen the one you’re in.” -Marie Forleo, author Make Every Man Want You “Both mysterious and rewarding, the text reveals the powerful secrets of using the eyes to conn “Effective business networking depends on effective eye contact.” “Effective business networking depends on effective eye contact.” -Dr.

Eye contact book pdf